The first week or two of break we always head out to our family cabin (also known as super cheap vacation spot--we are both teachers remember?) The boys spend time running in the woods and playing at the lake while we get a chance to relax without a house full of chores to do. It's always a great trip and we always have fun.
Then we come home....and we are all on each other's nerves. Took me 5 years to figure this one out, but since we are on a tight budget, I put the two biggest boys in 1/2 day Lego camps on different weeks! Then we get quality time with the other two and the big boys don't fight all day. Success!
This summer I also got the two big boys to peruse Pinterest with me and find a schedule and some activities they liked. We aren't home everyday, but when we are they need a routine. When they are busy, I don't have to be the referee so much. Here is what we came up with.
Sorry for the lousy photos, but we were making notes and I just ran with it. Yes, I had to resist the urge to make it cute on the computer.
They are rocking the tie dye shirts their awesome Aunti made for them. Thanks Aunti!!
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