Whew, what a crazy few months it has been. Now that parent conferences, report cards, the super moon, Halloween, the election, and the time change are over, I'm back to share with you.
I love looking at all the classroom pictures before back to school. So many are just picture perfect. But, let's be real...a classroom is all about learning and sometimes the cuteness doesn't last. So, I thought I'd share my classroom this year....in November. Piles of pillows on the floor, student shoes (I think those are my son's) and all!

After teaching in the oldest classroom in the district for many years, I was one of the lucky teachers that moved into a new wing of classrooms a few years ago. While I didn't miss the leaky roof, moldy carpet, and sloping floor, our new classrooms had some challenging features. They were designed to match our school (built in the 70's) and have floor to ceiling windows. One wall is entirely windows, one is 1/2 windows. The front wall has the cabinets and whiteboard (in pic above) and the back wall has cabinets and the counter for computers. With all that, there is not much wall space for bulletin boards, so I have to be picky about what to put up. I often hang student work in the windows on a clothesline due to lack of space.
So here we go....
I use the shelves in the front as a classroom library. My amazing paraprofessional usually teaches at my kidney table during the 50 minutes she is with us each day.
On the other side of the classroom I have a rectangular table that can be used at center time or for students to work at.
The back of the room holds our technology center and one of three places to hang things on the walls.
Super easy birthday chart...take a picture of the kids from each month, cut with a circle punch and done!
Class jobs, rules, calendar, and reminder posters.
And the wall behind my desk. I use clothespins to hang student work for fast change outs. I also post a class list in the small area behind my desk. I have each student's name and picture. It's big enough to be read from the front of the room and is super handy for subs. And yes, that pile of crud is my desk....remember we are being real here people.
Math wall at front left of classroom.
Group supplies and chair pockets. LOVE both of these. Can't tell you how much time they save since kids aren't looking in their desks for things.
Well there you have it!
Back soon with how I did "Meet the Teacher" and how I am using flexible seating.